Northwest Teacher's Camp Journal

A forum for sharing, discussion and general musings related to Northwest Teacher's Camp.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

The gift of music in the hands of our children.

The sprinkler is singing its cha cha cha vvvvvvvvsong and I have just come in from the garden quite wet and chilled.It is JUly and I'm sure those of you who live in other parts of the country may think it strange but our summer evenings are often cool. My mind was filled with inspired ideas as I wondered around the gardens taking it all in and thought, aghhhh I can write this in my own that cool or what!

The raspberries are in decline and the berries taste much better if you eat them right off the plant so I took my bowl of yogurt out with me and found the perect recipe for summer taste; a bite of yogurt, a few berries right in to the mouth and a breath in as I gazed up at the sky....aghhhh. Give me all the money in the world but it doesn't really get any better thatn that. Well maybe I could find a few things but it would be hard.

Sunday today and church was the perfect place for me ; I was a Greeter and a Chaplain at both services and it felt like heaven on earth, a day surrounded by others to celebrate God and the life's glory , even when it doesn't always feel like it. Singing chanting and praying all served to open my heart, bringing back some of the feellings of Teacher's Camp. I realized today that there were certainly some similarities. Tom said something about us being a bunch of crazies who were good at disguising ourselves to the 'real' world and I think the same can be said of Unity of Seattle. I fit right in today.

Well the water needs moving, my back hurts and I will let those two call me away tonight. Wishing you well on this cool July evening....may you pause for a moment to think of our Camp friends and smile as I am right now. Dale

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Well now I can see after looking around here that I have no idea what I am doing. To adjust this Blog it looks like I would be better off knowing HTML; at least to add stuff and alter the look. ANyone have any experience? At least I can say I now have a blog, for whatever that is worth.
Holding you all in the light, Dale

The dancing was so fun! Posted by Picasa

Broc playing his flute Posted by Picasa

Wa wa wa, wa wa wa, wa wa wa
Wauwatosa Lady

 Posted by Picasa

Frog in the Bucket with Andy Posted by Picasa

Tom and Richard Posted by Picasa